P2/3 went on a number hunt in the woods. They discovered lots of numbers hidden all around the trees. They split into two teams and found them all. After that they took the numbers into the classroom and added them all up! Their scores were 206 and 246! Fantastic adding P2/3!
During play time they used numeracy resources and had a number day play!
P2 have been learning all about Autumn this term. In recent weeks, we have been particularly focused on the changes Autumn brings along with learning about which animals hibernate. We soon found out that hedgehogs hibernate and that they like to make warm beds made from leaves, sticks and moss. The children decided it would be a great idea to go outside into our school forest area and build some hedgehog homes for any hedgehog families who may need somewhere to go for their hibernation. The children even collected some bugs and worms in case the hedgehogs got hungry! Following this, the children all wrote a letter to the hedgehogs to let them know all about the wonderful homes they had made for them.
P2 love being outside and exploring the seasons throughout the year. They enjoy participating in carousel activities to reinforce key concepts taught during focused Numeracy lessons.