Number Day 2022

In P6 we took part in lots of activities to celebrate Number Day. We started off looking at an Italian Mathematician called Fibonacci and the sequence of numbers that he created. We learned that this pattern makes a spiral and it can be seen in lots of places in nature then we created our own Fibonacci creatures!

We played 'Who Wants to be a Mathionnaire' and used mental maths strategies to explain how we worked out some of the answers.

We looked at time and took part in different activities to see what all we could do inside 30 seconds – this was a good way to warm up on a very cold day!

Finally we worked in pairs to measure different parts of our bodies.  This was good fun but quite tricky!

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Amazon Jungle Show 2022

P6 had a visit from Catherine who brought lots of animals from her visit to the Amazon rainforest!  We were able to touch and hold a tortoise, a chameleon, a gecko, a tarantula, a scorpion, a snake, a bearded dragon, a millipede and a tree frog!  We had a great time learning more about these animals.  Some of us were much braver than we thought we could be!

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A Day in the Life of P6

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Wear It Pink Day 2020

In P5/6 we had a great time celebrating Wear It Pink Day!  The whole school wore something pink and brought in a donation to raise money for Breast Cancer Now.  In our class we are bringing in pink plants or flowers to create a garden, so that we have a lasting reminder of how important it is to raise money for cancer charities like Breast Cancer Now.

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Odd Sock Day

This week Silverstream marked anti-bullying week by taking part in Odd Sock Day and completed lessons during on being kind to each other. Our odd socks helped remind us that we are all different but we should respect and be kind to each other. Well done everyone!
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Children in Need

Here are some of our P5/6 pupils wearing their Pudsey pyjamas to raise money for Children in Need.

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