The concept of Pastoral care runs through all our strands at Silverstream Primary School and Nursery Unit. All members of staff, operating within our staff code of conduct, have a pastoral responsibility towards the children in their care and take all responsible and measurable steps to ensure their welfare is guarded and safety preserved.
We work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure the welfare of the child is paramount. This includes teams such as: Social Services, PSNI, Community Nursing, Education Welfare and Trust Staff, to name but a few.
Our staff receive annual child protection training refresher as part of our school policy.
Our Safeguarding Team includes:
Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs J Logue
Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection : Mrs A Rickards and Mrs R Tweedie
Our Child Protection Governor: Mr A Brown
Silverstream Primary School and Nursery Unit Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Safe Place
Silverstream is a registered Safe Place for parents/persons victim to domestic violence. Please contact the school should you require more information.