Child Protection and Safeguarding

The concept of Pastoral care runs through all our strands at Silverstream Primary School and Nursery Unit. All members of staff, operating within our staff code of conduct, have a pastoral responsibility towards the children in their care and take all responsible and measurable steps to ensure their welfare is guarded and safety preserved.

We work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure the welfare of the child is paramount. This includes teams such as: Social Services, PSNI, Community Nursing, Education Welfare and Trust Staff, to name but a few.

Our staff receive annual child protection training refresher as part of our school policy.


Our Safeguarding Team includes:

Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs J Logue

Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection : Mrs R Tweedie

Our Child Protection Governor: Mr A Brown

Safe Place

Silverstream is a registered Safe Place for parents/persons victim to domestic violence. Please contact the school should you require more information.


Child Protection and Safeguarding

The concept of Pastoral care runs through all our strands at Silverstream Primary School and Nursery Unit. All members of staff, operating within our staff code of conduct, have a pastoral responsibility towards the children in their care and take all responsible and measurable steps to ensure their welfare is guarded and safety preserved.

We work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure the welfare of the child is paramount. This includes teams such as: Social Services, PSNI, Community Nursing, Education Welfare and Trust Staff, to name but a few.

Our staff receive annual child protection training refresher as part of our school policy.


Our Safeguarding Team includes:

Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs J Logue

Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection : Mrs R Tweedie

Our Child Protection Governor: Mr A Brown

Safe Place

Silverstream is a registered Safe Place for parents/persons victim to domestic violence. Please contact the school should you require more information.
