Mathematics and Numeracy

Here are some channels and websites to explore to further develop Numeracy skills being taught both in school and at home. Ensure an  adult is present when exploring the You Tube channels below.

Foundation/Key stage 1

The Singing Walrus, Jack Hartmann and the Numberblocks are just a few favourites that our children enjoy using in the classroom as part of their learning. We love to use these songs for warm ups or very important brain breaks. Orchard toys also have a variety of activities for Nursery and Foundation stage to keep busy minds learning.


Something for everyone...

Topmarks continues to be an amazing resource for the teachers as their interactive games can be set to your child's level. Feel free to explore the various areas and set challenges for your child each day. We have also included a link to our Mathletics area. Teachers can assign tasks here according to topics being covered in class.

Tutor Bot help you improve your fluency and confidence with many different Maths skills. Our fun interactive game will help you practise hundreds of different maths skills in one place. Try playing though the various games below and see which levels you can beat.
